Friday, October 4, 2024

Nintendo’s Taken Feedback To Heart With ‘Super Mario Party Jamboree’

Super Mario Party has returned! Okay, so it’s only been a handful of years since Mario Party Superstars dropped on Switch, but we are excited — psyched even — for this latest edition, as it promises to deliver in several key areas where the series has floundered somewhat in the past.

Yes, if you cast your mind back to our very positive Superstars review, we pointed out that game was lacking somewhat in how it played things overly safe with its selection of boards, its lack of modes, and with regards to taking the formula and modernising it in any meaningful way. There was some fairly basic online fun to be had, but a lack of boards and that paucity of modes (Mount Minigames and Mario Party was your lot), meant that, as fun as it was, we still felt like there was more that could be achieved.

And so, having spent the past few days with Super Mario Party Jamboree (and having even had the opportunity to play it with the rest of Team NL during a recent company shindig), we’re actually quite delighted that it seems Nintendo has taken some of the complaints commonly levelled at the series onboard.

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